French Notes – Weekly Update 21st Of November, 2021


FRENCH NOTES – WEEKLY UPDATE 21st Of NOVEMBER, 2021 French Notes Content All content is available to members of our yearly plans with French Notes. Firstly and foremost, I would like to thank you for your continued loyalty. We are delighted with the new layout of our site, and hope that you are finding it…

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Climate Strike

Climate Strike

CLIMATE STRIKE WORD OF THE YEAR 2019 Le Collins English dictionary vient de révéler le mot le plus utilisé de l’année 2019. Il s’agit de “climate strike” ou grève climatique en français. The Collins English dictionary has just revealed the most frequently used word of 2019. It is “climate strike” or grève climatique in French.…

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Leaving Cert French Diary Entry Plan

Leaving Cert French diary entry with plan

Leaving Cert French Diary Entry Plan In the French Leaving Cert exam, the majority of students do the diary written task. It is relatively easy to do well in this written piece, but it still requires that you plan it out, so that the final version is easy to read by the examiner. There are…

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French Leaving Cert Sentences – Illegal Downloading

French Leaving Cert Sentences - Illegal Downloading

French Leaving Cert Sentences – Illegal Downloading Le téléchargement illégal. Illegal Downloading. C’est un fait avéré que le piratage des œuvres musicales par Internet semblait en voie d’affaiblir l’industrie à un point tel, qu’on commençait à craindre pour sa survie. It is a well-established fact that illegal downloading of music files from the Internet seemed…

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Save The Bees

Save the Bees

SAVE THE BEES – SAUVONS LES ABEILLES   Les abeilles meurent est le cri d’alarme lancé par des apiculteurs qui manifestent à travers la France. Bees are dying is the warning cry issued by beekeepers who are demonstrating all over France. Saviez-vous que les abeilles sont une espèce indispensable à la biodiversité et à la survie…

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Opinion Pieces – Generic Phrases

opinion pieces

Opinion Pieces – Generic Phrases THE EFFECTIVE USE OF GENERIC PHRASES USING DRILL EXERCISES… I have heard a lot of teachers telling students that it is a complete waste of brain-power to learn different opinion pieces by heart. Hopefully, one of the ones you have learnt may or may not appear. I would agree and…

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Leaving Cert French Reading Practice Strategy

Leaving Cert French Reading Practice Strategy

Leaving Cert French Reading Practice Strategy Firstly, I find that reading comprehensions contain an absolute wealth of information that students could use to great effect. If reading comprehensions were really used to their absolute potential, they would provide a very rich training ground for our students. Leaving Cert Exam I know that in the Leaving…

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Happy Easter – Joyeuse Pâques


HAPPY EASTER JOYEUSE PÂQUES Joyeuse fête de Pâques! … Happy Easter A lot of students have asked me for a sample question on both my Snapchat and Instagram accounts, so here you go… Pâques est la fête la plus importante du christianisme et elle tombe juste avant les épreuves oraux. C’est certain à mon avis,…

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Recycling For The Environment


RECYCLING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT LE RECYCLAGE POUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT On est tous d’accord que le recyclage des déchets est mille fois meilleur pour l’environnement que la mise en décharge. We are all in agreement that recycling of waste is a thousand times better for the environment than putting it into landfill. Le respect de l’environnement devrait…

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CHRISTMAS Noël… Noël est une fête qui est d’origine romaine, mais ses traditions, qui y sont associées, remontent à une fête païenne.  La fête de Noël est célébrée chaque année en France, comme un peu partout ailleurs dans le monde. En France, la fête commence dans la nuit du 24 au 25 décembre, ainsi que…

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