Carbon Tax

CARBON TAX TAXE CARBON En Irlande, le gouvernement n’a pas augmenté le taux de la taxe carbone lors du dernier budget. In Ireland, the government did not raise the rate of carbon tax in the last budget. Le principe derrière un taxe carbone est de sensibiliser les consommateurs d’énergie fossile pour les inciter à changer…

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Yellow Vest Reading Practice

French Revision Notes

YELLOW VEST READING PRACTICE I find that reading comprehensions contain an absolute wealth of information that students could use to great effect. If reading comprehensions were really used to their absolute potential, they would provide a very rich training ground for our students. I know that in the Leaving cert exam, students must read a…

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White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime

WHITE COLLAR CRIME – LA CRIMINALITE EN COL BLANC   Le crime économique fait référence aux crimes imputables à des motifs financiers qui sont non violents et commis par des entreprises et des experts gouvernementaux. Economic crime refers to financially motivated crimes which are non violent and committed by companies and governmental experts. Des formes…

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Leaving Cert French Expression Drill

Leaving cert french expression drill

Leaving Cert French Expression Drill ON NE PEUT PAS NIER LE FAIT QUE  WE CANNOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE FACT THAT   Leaving Cert French expression drill exercises are a very important way of instilling confidence in writing. Remember that these should be studied from the viewpoint of young people. The following are the main…

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Fossil Fuels

fossil fuels

FOSSIL FUELS LES COMBUSTIBLES FOSSILES    This blog entry is about the limited stock of fossil fuels in the world, and their impact on the environment. The sentences could be used when writing about the Environment or The Economy. Normalement quand on parle des fossiles combustibles, il s’agit du pétrole du charbon et du gaz…

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CONSUMERISM LE CONSUMÉRISME Le consumérisme est un fait de nos jours. Le consumérisme peut être défini comme l’ensemble des actions et organisations destinées à défendre et représenter les intérêts des consommateurs. Consumerism is a reality nowadays.  Consumerism can be defined as the totality of actions and organisations aimed at defending and representing the interests of…

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Black Friday

Black Friday

BLACK FRIDAY LE BLACK FRIDAY OU VENDREDI NOIR   Le terme “Black Friday” ou vendredi noir est apparu pour la première fois dans les années 1960. The term “Black Friday” appeared for the first time in the 1960’s. C’est une journée dévouée aux bonnes affaires. It is a day devoted to bargains. J’adore la mode,…

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Brexit And Air Travel Passengers

Brexit and air travel

BREXIT AND AIR TRAVEL PASSENGERS  QUELLES SERONT LES CONSÉQUENCES DU BREXIT POUR LES VOYAGEURS AÉRIENS? Test your knowledge of verbs and vocabulary using this reading comprehension. You will find two sections from a five section document, which has been adapted from an article in the Figaro. The correct answers are given at the end of…

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We Must Ensure That – Drill Exercise

We Must Ensure That - Drill Exercise

WE MUST ENSURE THAT – DRILL EXERCISE DRILL EXERCISES OF FRENCH EXPRESSIONS Firstly, drill exercises are a very important way of instilling confidence in writing. In addition in our drill exercises, French Notes have provided you with key expressions, which you can use in a variety of opinion questions or diary entries. For example, by…

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2018 French Leaving Cert Sample Opinion Piece

French Leaving Cert Opinion Piece

2018 French Leaving Cert Sample Opinion Piece SAMPLE RESPONSE… Selon le texte de la Section I, Q.1, en France rurale la vie devient de plus en plus difficile. Il faut faire plus pour améliorer la vie en Irlande rurale. Qu’en pensez‐vous ? According to the text in Secion 1, Q.1, in France rural life is…

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Leaving Cert French Reading Practice Strategy

Leaving Cert French Reading Practice Strategy

Leaving Cert French Reading Practice Strategy Firstly, I find that reading comprehensions contain an absolute wealth of information that students could use to great effect. If reading comprehensions were really used to their absolute potential, they would provide a very rich training ground for our students. Leaving Cert Exam I know that in the Leaving…

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Unemployment – Le chômage

Unemployment – Le chômage

Unemployment – Le chômage Le chômage est toujours un problème majeur pour beaucoup. Unemployment is still a major issue for a lot of people. C’est un fait avéré que le chômage peut entraîner des sentiments de dévalorisation. It is a well-established fact that unemployment can lead to feelings of worthlessness.   KEY GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS Unemployment…

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