Narrative Question 2017 Leaving Cert French

Narrative Question 2017 Leaving Cert French

The Narrative question is attempted by about 5% of students every year. In order to do well in this question, students would need to have a very good understanding of…

  • Imperfect
  • Pluperfect
  • Compound past tenses

It is a personal style of writing, but with a bit of practice, it is a very manageable question type.

Narrative question 2017

Sample Of The 2017 Narrative Question

Here, you will find a complete sample of the 2017 Narrative, which asked students to describe an amusing incident at school. The vocabulary is fairly basic, but correctly applying the rule of agreement is the most challenging aspect of this written piece. Please feel free to use as you wish for your own personal study.

2017 Q.1

Un jour à l’école,  quelque chose de curieux s’est passé. Je vais vous raconteur ce qui m’est arrivé.  C’était un lundi matin et tout le monde était en classe. Monsieur Dupont nous parlait de la Révolution Française et il faut avouer que nous étions à moitié endormi. Tout d’un coup j’ai entendu le miaulement d’un chat. Non ce n’est pas possible! Je me suis frotté les yeux en me demandant “Est-ce bien un chat que j’entends?” Qui l’aurait cru? un chat dans la salle de classe!

J’ai tourné la tête pour voir d’où venait ce son et j’ai vu que John et Marie l’avaient eux aussi entendu. Soudainment le chat s’est mis à jouer avec les bretelles de mon cartable. Le professeur n’a rien remarqué mais toute la classe se tordait de rire. Monsieur Dupont était tellement absorbé dans la Révolution Française qu’il ne savait pas ce qui se passait.

Maintenant tout le monde regardait le chat et personne n’écoutait le professeur. Subitement la porte de la classe s’est ouverte et Madame Dubois, la directrice est entrée l’air confus. Elle a vu le chat et a commencé a rougir. Le chat est allé directement vers elle et elle l’a serré dans ses bras. Nous sommes restés bouche bée!

Notre professeur a regardé la directrice d’un air surprise et a remarqué le chat pour la première fois. La directrice nous a expliqué que c’était son chat et qu’il l’avait suivie jusqu’à l’école. Elle était très gênée et elle s’est excusée!  Ça ne s’invente pas! La situation ne nous déplaisait guère car nous avons manqué un cours d’histoire!


2017 Q.1

One day at school something funny happened to me. I will tell you what happened. It was a Monday morning and everyone was in class. Mr. Dupont was talking to us about the French Revolution and I must admit that we were half asleep. Suddenly I heard the mewing of a cat. No, it isn’t possible! I rubbed my eyes wondering, “Is it really a cat that I hear? who would have believed it? a cat in the classroom!

I turned my head to see where the noise was coming from and I saw that John and Marie had heard it also. Suddenly the cat started to play with the straps of my schoolbag. The teacher noticed nothing, but all the class were in stitches laughing. Mr. Dupont was so absorbed in the French Revolution that he didn’t know what was going on.

Now all the class were watching the cat and nobody was listening to the teacher. Suddenly the classroom door opened and Mrs. Dubois, the principal entered looking confused. She saw the cat and began to blush. The cat went straight over to her and she took him up in her arms. We remained speechless!

Our teacher looked at the principal in surprise and noticed the cat for the first time. The principal explained to us that it was her cat and that it had followed her to school. She was very embarrassed and she apologised! You couldn’t make it up! The situation didn’t bother us because we missed a history lesson!



  • Un jour à l’école – One day at school
  • Quelque chose de curieux s’est passé – Something funny happened.
  • Je vais vous raconteur ce qui m’est arrivé – I will tell you what happened to me.
  • C’était un lundi matin – It was a Monday morning.
  • Il faut avouer que – I must admit that
  • Je me suis frotté les yeux – I rubbed my eyes
  • Se mettre à – To begin to
  • Remarquer – To notice
  • Se tordre de rire – To shake with laughter / To be in stitches
  • Subitement – Suddenly
  • L’air confus – Looking confused
  • Rester bouche bée – To remain speechless
  • Être gêné – To be embarrassed
  • Ça ne s’invente pas!  – You couldn’t make it up!



If you were to sign up for our  Leaving Cert Annual Plan you would have access to..

  • Over 500 sample topic sentences on a wide-range of topics
  • Approximately 60 sample opinion pieces.
  • Diary Entries
  • Narrative writing technique & Phrases
  • Grammar section
  • Grammar exercises
  • Reading comprehensions
  • Verb drills
  • Study guides
  • Comprehensive oral section with videos
  • Expressions & key constructions
  • Letters and much more…