Is it hard to get a H1 in French?

Is it hard to get a H1 in French

Is it hard to get a H1 in French? Is it hard to get a H1 in French? Yes, it is and that applies to all subjects. However, it is not impossible, as so many of my past students will attest to. A lot of students feel that they are either ‘into’ languages or they…

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Suez Canal Blocked


THE SUEZ CANAL BLOCKED LE CANAL DE SUEZ BLOQUÉ Firstly, this occurence has slowed up deliveries for thousands of people. Secondly, it is costing millions of Euro every day. As a result, people are being left without important goods that they have purchased. Meanwhile, here are some sample Leaving Cert French sentences. Further, these sentences are…

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French Notes From Facebook Livestream

French Notes from Facebook Livestream

French Notes from Facebook Livestream Bonjour tout le monde! Firstly, as we are still in a very critical situation with Covid 19, I am going to continue doing a Facebook Livestream every evening at 8pm. Thank you for watching yesterday’s livestream. Here are the French notes to accompany it. We focused on the 2016 Diary…

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Fall Of The Berlin Wall

The fall of the Berlin Wall

FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL 1989 LA CHUTE DU MUR DE BERLIN 1989. Cette année marque le 30ème anniversaire de la chute du Mur de Berlin, qui est tombé le 9 novembre, 1989. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, which fell on the 9th of November, 1989. Il…

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Video Games

video games

Video Games A l’heure actuelle, les enfants passent beaucoup de temps devant le téléviseur, les jeux vidéo et les ordinateurs. Nowadays children spend too much time infront of the television, video games and computers. L’OMS a décidé en 2015 de classer l’addiction aux jeux vidéo comme une pathologie au même titre que l’addiction à la…

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French Leaving Cert Listening 2010

French Leaving cert listening 2010

FRENCH LEAVING CERT LISTENING 2010 – ALTERNATIVE PAPER These alternative listening exercises are for students or teachers who have completed particular years of the listening, but might like to re-visit some of the past papers. The exercises are taken from the past papers. Some of the listening questions are the same as in the paper,…

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Leaving Cert French – Data Centres

Leaving Cert French - Data Centres

Leaving Cert French – Data Centres Leaving Cert Sentences On The Topic Of Data Centres  DATA CENTRES DES CENTRES DE DONNÉES Firstly, tech companies have opened data centres all over Ireland.  As a result, they are very energy intensive and use a lot of electricity to run.  However, we are living in an age of…

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French Leaving Cert Sentences – Illegal Downloading

French Leaving Cert Sentences - Illegal Downloading

French Leaving Cert Sentences – Illegal Downloading Le téléchargement illégal. Illegal Downloading. C’est un fait avéré que le piratage des œuvres musicales par Internet semblait en voie d’affaiblir l’industrie à un point tel, qu’on commençait à craindre pour sa survie. It is a well-established fact that illegal downloading of music files from the Internet seemed…

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French Leaving Cert Writing Skills

Leaving cert French Revision Course

LEAVING CERT FRENCH – WRITING SKILLS What is it with students writing French? They freeze up and find the whole process so daunting. It really doesn’t have to be! Once a student has an idea of their tenses and how to use them properly, the rest should be plain sailing! However, this is not the…

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Leaving Cert French Sentences on Inequality

Leaving Cert French Sentences on Inequality

Leaving Cert French Sentences on Inequality   Le Movement Des Gilets Jaunes – Une Manifestation Contre L’inégalité. The Yellow Vest Movement – A Protest against Inequality. Je suis de l’avis que le mouvement des gilets jaunes est une manifestation contre l’inégalité. I am of the opinion that the Yellow Vest movement is a demonstration against…

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Mental Health

Mental Health

MENTAL HEALTH – LA SANTÉ MENTALE   Le rétablissement de la santé mentale doit être une préoccupation pour la société en générale. Restoration of mental health should be a concern for society in general. Être mentalement sain est vraiment une composante essentielle de la vie. To be mentally well is really an essential component of…

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POVERTY – LA PAUVRETÉ La pauvreté est un problème grave dans le monde entier. Poverty is a serious problem all over the world. Dans les pays de l’Ouest cependant, je crois que l’éducation est clé afin de sortir de la pauvreté. In western countries however, I believe that education is vital in order to get…

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Urban Violence

urban violence

URBAN VIOLENCE LA VIOLENCE URBAINE Les gangs et les drogues en banlieues sont abondants. La stigmatisation liée à la vie en banlieue fait difficile pour les jeunes de trouver un emploi parce qu’ils sont connectés à la violence et la pauvreté. Gangs and drugs in the suburbs are everywhere. Stigmatisation linked to life in the…

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St. Valentine’s Day Around The World

St valentine

St. Valentine’s Day Around The World This reading practice on  St. Valentine’s Day Around The World is aimed at students in either 5th or 6th year. It contains the following tasks… Finding the verb in English Key words from the text Important grammatical constructions from the text LES TRADITIONS DE ST-VALENTIN DANS LE MONDE St.…

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