Social Inequality – L’inégalité Sociale


SOCIAL INEQUALITY – L’INÉGALITÉ SOCIALE… Ireland is doing well economically at the moment, but we cannot but see the high level of inequality in our country. The government must introduce more effective measures, to help those that find themselves living in poverty, and thus excluded from full participation in our society.  Inequality in Ireland is…

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The Beast From The East – La Bête De L’est  


THE BEAST FROM THE EAST – LA BÊTE DE L’EST   Our country hasn’t seen weather like this in over 35 years. Schools were closed, airports closed and a red warning weather alert was in operation for more than 48 hours… Notre pays a été placé en alerte rouge jeudi, en prévision de la rencontre entre…

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Fair Trade

Fair Trade

FAIR TRADE  LE COMMERCE ÉQUITABLE Le commerce équitable est une réponse possible aux inégalités dans les échanges entre le Nord et le Sud. L’idée d’un consommateur responsable est un succès grandissant et montre combien les consommateurs des pays développés… Is a possible response to inequalities which exist in trade between the North and the South.…

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Gun Control

Gun control needs to be controlled

GUN CONTROL C’est un dicton très vrai que la violence mène à la violence. Je suis personnellementopposé à ce que les gens portent des armes dans n’importe quel pays. J’espèresincèrement que les armes à feu ne seront jamais légalement disponibles en Irlande. It is a very true saying that violence leads to violence. I am…

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Le Stress – Stress


LE STRESS – STRESS There is no escape from stress. However, it is important to realise that stress is a normal reaction to everyday life, and the body’s coping mechanism. It is only when you suffer from stress persistently, that it can lead to health problems. Stress is generated by the fear or uncertainty about…

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The Narrative Question or Récit Leaving Cert French


The Narrative Question or Récit Leaving Cert French In order to do well in this type of writing, students need to have a very clear understanding of the use of “Past” tenses such as the passé composé, the Imparfait and the plus-que-parfait. Narrative or Récit Question… Firsrly, according to the 2016 Chief Examiner’s report, the…

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Volunteer Work


VOLUNTEER WORK – LE BÉNÉVOLAT  Volunteer work is one of the most rewarding things that you can do. As part of their transition year program, most schools in Ireland take part in some sort of voluntary activity. If the subject of transition year comes up in your oral exam, these sentences will come in useful.…

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Animal Cruelty

Animal Cruelty

ANIMAL CRUELTY Il faut bien reconnaître que n’importe quel acte de crauté envers les animaux est inacceptable We must realise that any act of cruelty toward animals is unacceptable. Des études montrent que les personnes qui se sont livrées à de la crauté envers les animaux sont cinq fois plus susceptibles d’avoir commis d’autres crimes…

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Alcohol – L’alcool

ALCOHOL – L’ALCOOL Il est incontestable qu’il y a un problème d’alcool en Irlande. Les jeunes commencent à boire de l’alcool à un âge précoce sans réaliser le danger auquel ils sont exposés. It is clear that there is a problem with alcohol in Ireland. Young people begin drinking at a young age, without realising…

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Unemployment – Le chômage

Unemployment – Le chômage

Unemployment – Le chômage Le chômage est toujours un problème majeur pour beaucoup. Unemployment is still a major issue for a lot of people. C’est un fait avéré que le chômage peut entraîner des sentiments de dévalorisation. It is a well-established fact that unemployment can lead to feelings of worthlessness.   KEY GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS Unemployment…

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Leaving Cert Oral French Exam – PART 2

The Leaving Cert Oral French Exam

Leaving Cert Oral French Exam – PART 2 So, this is the 2nd part of a five part series of blog entries on the oral. please check through the blog for our other entries. MEANWHILE, HERE ARE THE GENERAL POINTS TO REMEMBER AND THE DOCUMENT… Firstly, the Leaving Cert Oral French Exam is common to…

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Trump’s America Shut Down

Trump's America

TRUMP’S AMERICA SHUT DOWN LA FERMETURE OU “SHUT DOWN” AUX ÉTATS-UNIS. Now what’s going on? Trump is “celebrating” his first year in office with the tangible threat of a national shut down…   J’ai du mal à croire que le premier anniversaire de l’arrivée de Trump à la Maison Blanche est caractérisé par une fermeture…

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Pollution – Environment

Pollution - Environment

POLLUTION – ENVIRONMENT LA POLLUTION Il faut reconnaître que les problèmes de santé provoqués par la pollution atmosphérique représentent un coût substantiel pour notre société We must recognise that health problems caused by air  represent a substantial cost for our society. C’est une bonne idée de prendre les transports publics afin de réduire la pollution…

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